Relationship Issues
Relationship issues include power struggles, lifestyle differences, financial disagreements, problems with in-laws, parenting discrepancies, sexual dissatisfaction, lack of emotional support, and many others concerns.
Most relationships, whether marital relationships, parent-child relationships or friendships, have conflict. One of the purposes of a relationship is the personal evolution of each party involved. What that translates to is the following:
We all have values and principles that influence our decision-making processes. The hierarchy of these values influences how we relate to people and the world. Most of us tend to think of these values as “the right ones”. A problem arises when the “right” values differ from person to person. For example, one person might think that spending quality time with family is most important, and will puts family ahead of their work and social life. Another person’s priority might be hard work and providing financially, so they reduce their family time in favour of work. The truth is, our values are only opinions and beliefs formulated throughout our life’s experiences. Frequently, they are at odds with another person’s beliefs. When such clash of opinions is present how do we decides whose point of view is right? Each party tends to defend their opinions, especially when such beliefs form attachments. Now you can see how the power struggle forms.
Most people find their way out of such conflicts in two ways:
So, how do we resolve the conflict if standing up for ourselves creates power struggles and compromise creates resentment and other issues mentioned above?
There is no progress without conflict. Your spouse or partner, whose values are different from yours, propels you to look at yourself and your relationship. Conflict avoidance is futile. Instead, invest your time and effort in building healthy and balanced relationship with your Self and subsequently with your loved ones.